Thread: Hand Drawn 2D
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Old 12-30-2010, 08:59 PM   #1
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Default Hand Drawn 2D

So I just looked at the footage of the cancelled Warcraft adventure game and even though the puzzles looked less than stellar it made me really want to play a big ol 2D adventure with the hand painted look, danger, escapes, etc. I like bigger characters on screen and crisp graphics.

I've played every Sierra and Lucasarts game. I tried to play Whispered World, but could not for the life of me get into it (the world, the main character, the dialog, etc just wasn't doing it for me). But I do want that TYPE of game - fantasy adventure, etc. And I absolutely have no problem being able to die in a game.

This post isn't meant as just a recommendation request (though if you know of one that I haven't played that'd be great). Moreso, I wanted to get your thoughts on this very specific type of adventure game. Why don't we have more? What might the future hold? I've tried playing the more 3D games that aim for more realistic characters, but rarely do I find ones that really grab hold of me (GK2 and a few others are great).

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