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Old 11-07-2010, 02:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by zobraks View Post
They broke the mold when they made it. It's one of my all-time favo(u)rites too.
I know... you offered to lead a community playthrough. Unfortunately, the more recent AG playthroughs have a way of dragging on and on and petering out into nothing. But I'm still interested in replaying it (for the third time ) and/or discussing it with other fans. IMO, three or four people are all that's needed to start a Bad Mojo discussion thread. No voting, no need to make it an official community playthrough.

Yeah, Mom talks, but in such a way that I couldn't understand much . The only flaw of BM (in my, hearing-impaired person's, opinion) is the lack of subtitles . All the important clues are in those cutscenes and I had a hard time understanding Susan Volkan .
Every self-respecting game should have subtitles. I sometimes wonder if native English speakers realise how hard it can be for non-natives, with all the background noise, music, accents, etc. Here's Mom's text as I understand it (thanks to youtube):

The wind well will suck you into the belly of a beast.
Its blowhole will catapult you to the south and to the east.
One way there is peril, hardship and dismay.
One way brings you closer to the Dominican cashier.
But there is another option, another clever tack:
You may evade the wind machine with a bold high-wire act.
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