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Old 10-25-2010, 04:09 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by SamandMax View Post
... makes me perceive him more as someone who'd write "Aronofsky-ish" in a game design document.
Um, while I *didn't* write it in my design doc (did a wordsearch to make sure ), this is what The Inventory e-zine wrote in a preview of my game-in-production, Shadowplay:

A story that is inspired by the Gabriel Knight games and by
movies of distinguished personalities like David Lynch and Darren Aronofsky.
Edit: Looking at the press release I sent the zine, I see that I've mentioned Pi a number of times, but the main Lynch/Aronofsky inspiration mentioned was in regards to audio design. So maybe I'm not that much of a pretentious ass after all - though now you mention it, all my game designs are definitely Aronofsky-ish

The lecture was interesting, if a bit unfocused. But it really opened my eyes to what kind of person Blow is, his world view and what drives him. Seems like a really good guy and I'd love to have a conversation with him sometime. We seem to share a lot of values. Also, simply his statement that The Witness is about "epiphany" cranked my interest in that game up by 200% - it's very much the kind of theme that keeps recurring in my own project ideas, and I'd love to see someone else's take on it (though people like Gregory Weir have already explored it on a smaller scale).

Last edited by GarageGothic; 10-25-2010 at 04:30 PM.
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