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Old 10-21-2010, 12:25 PM   #6
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 108

The BBS Documentary is great. I love all that old PC history stuff. The book Hackers from the '80s is also awesome - a good chunk of it is a history of early Sierra, Ken and Roberta, etc. The place in the timeline where the book ends and leaves Sierra is fascinating looking back.

Haven't seen Get Lamp yet. FYI, if you really can't afford it you are legally allowed to download/copy it. He releases his stuff under Creative Commons or whatever. I've looked, and it doesn't seem like anybody has made a torrent of Get Lamp yet - but they are legally in the clear to do so. Jason Scott actually posted positively on the Pirate Bay comments for the BBS Documentary torrent (you can get one with all the special features). He made all of his money back almost immediately on the BBS Doc btw.

It would be incredible if he announced a Sierra doc next. On a related note - isn't it a no-brainer that HBO should commission a Ken Burns style video game history documentary series? They could air it after their regular Sunday programming, it's appealing to a lot of that audience, and it's cheap as hell.
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