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Old 05-17-2010, 03:58 AM   #466
The Tentacle
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Originally Posted by Fien View Post
Yes, of course Sadwick's dreams have something to do with the plot. But what you're saying is that the ending was obvious to you, including the twist which you saw coming just because you have read Alice? You didn't remember it after the fact, after you'd finished the game? I'm sorry but I find that hard to believe. For one thing, Alice did not have this particular twist and there's absolutely nothing in the emotional tone, atmosphere and story of TWW to remind you of Alice.
Certain story elements (such as dreams in this case.. and especially since it's set in a fantasy world) always remind me of something. I watched / read / played countless works (I used Alice purely as an example) with "it was all just a dream" twist. Sadwick was dreaming throughout the game and I knew there'll be a twist ending. So it seemed kind of obvious. Believe it or not.

Also, you totally disregard the meaning of the ending in the light of the rest of the story.
Hm? I think I already said the ending is good in the light of the rest of the story (but there should be more bits about Sadwick growing up), but that doesn't change the fact it's a cliche. Or you thought about something else?
You most certainly did mention aspects of the story. And what is your problem with using spoiler tags? This general TWW thread doesn't have the word SPOILERS in the title and it will be read by people who haven't played it.
I might have mentioned aspects of the story (but not more than a review or an ad would mention), but I didn't give away any plot pieces. I don't have a problem with spoiler tags, I don't think those were spoilers and I want to give as many people as possible a chance to read my insightful posts.
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