Thread: Syberia 3
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Old 03-23-2010, 10:37 AM   #89
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Default Thank you for your reply

I know what you mean. Let me restate what I was trying get at. First, could you "un-confuse" me on that point. I have just been surfing for info on Syberia 3 and, now I may have interpretted it wrong, but the April Fools joke, to me, centered around the fact that Syberia 3 was going to be actually produced, not that there was a PS3-internet connection requirement necessary to actually FINISH the game. I have not seen information on the web yet that specifically states that. In the time line, as I kept track of it, the April Fools joke was debated before the issue of a PS3-PC co-play requirement had surfaced. If you actually know differently could you refer me to the actual information that specifically states that fact. Just asking, I promise not to get mad.

And thanks again.
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