Thread: Gaming Backlog
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:44 AM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 38

I've got a rather large backlog myself. See my sig below. I found a neat website to help me keep track of them all.

You have to manually enter each game, but all you're entering really is the name and which platform (PC, Wii, PS3, etc) it is for, and you can assign a status of "beaten" which is just completing the main story (or whatever your own criteria of beaten it is) or "completed" which is all campaigns/trophies/bonuses/secrets/etc done. I was kind of surprised/scared once I got them all in a list and saw how many games I literally just haven't played.

As for Final Fantasy XII, I played it and while they tried to make it like FFXI me it was like they took more of the worse parts of MMO gameplay rather than the best parts, but YMMV.
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