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Old 02-06-2010, 05:13 PM   #49
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 97

I am definitely on the anti-iPad side of this debate. It just seems to me like another piece of Apple schmooze that unwitting people will just lap up because its Apple.

It doesn't really have anything to redeem itself in my eyes. I see that somebody mentioned that nobody uses a laptop in comfortable positions. Well I'm using my eeepc right now on a couch, as I do for several hours every day. I also take it to cafes most of the time and use it there. I see a lot of people doing that with netbooks. What are those people doing at those cafes with those netbooks? Most are working, like me. Writing research papers or presentations or articles. Most also browse the internet and some are playing games. Many are using USB mass storage devices to store and backup their work. I can not see any of the people I know using netbooks (and that is basically everybody) change to an iPad. It just can't do it. They universally agree that it is not a replacement for their netbook and that it can't compete in that market.

In fact we all thought similarly to kadji-kun above, and that is that it must be a competitor with TABLET pcs, not NETBOOKs to have any viability. But then it fails on an epic scale with no features that can take people away from their existing tablets.

It just seems like a bad *product*. I am not talking about idea, concept, or whatever (god knows I think tablet pcs are quite nifty and good things) I am just talking about the *product*. It is garbage with an apple logo stuck to it and the sad thing is that people will eat it up and ask for more.
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