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Old 01-22-2010, 09:49 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by HaroldO View Post
Or maybe is just doesn't appeal to some of us. I know, crazy!

I have nothing against technological evolution but I'm not willing to adopt every little new thing that comes along just because "it's cool". There's a lot of concepts that I would like to see in video games to make they more immersive or interesting like head tracking or better rumble for gaming chairs.

Now, buy a new equipment for improved depth perception... I'm not willing. Yet. But I'm also not saying people shouldn't. It's their money. But to me it's still a gimmick. Yeah, I just used the "g-word"
Yet Head Tracking is truly gimmicky. It doesn't feel immersive at all, mainly because you need 3d glasses to really benefit from it. Not to mention the biggest gimmick of them all.....Rumble. Just get a decent subwoofer. Feels a lot better than a fake rumble.

Sure it may not appeal to some of you, but there is a lot of people think it just needs to die. Playing the ignorant card. There are a lot of things that don't appeal top me, but I never call it gimmicky.
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