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Old 01-03-2010, 02:13 PM   #91
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 222

Okay Im starting to think that even with note taking I am not cut out for these games.

Can I ask if Secret of Monkey Island is supposed to be hard? because to be honest with you, I'm close to giving up. I can understand why so many love it, so im not saying the game is bad. However for me, I can't solve its' puzzles. My brain just wont allow it.

There are some fun ones (getting to monkey island, and also getting ON monkey island were really fun and clever, but not too hard) but everything after just seems like so much trial and error and so little hints, that its definitely not fun for me.

Magnet for the key, im sure many people would have found this obvious, but i forgot i even had a magnetized compass in my inventory.

Getting the naviagtor for the catacombs was horribly confusing. I was stuck wondering where on the map I could get a navigator travelled through every area twice thinking there would be one hiding. Had NO idea a book would be the key . Though in hindsight its clever, I still know there was no way i was going to figure it out. And that for me makes me disconnect from the game as a whole.

BTW as I say this is me, and im not saying the game is illogical, but for me there was just no way I was going to figure these things out.

Maybe it turns out I'm no good at these games and I truly hope this isn't the case. However right now, the game is not giving me enough to go on, and I personally don't like spending an hour retracing my steps around the map and pixel hunting. That couldn't be less fun for me.

I used some hints from UHS and got further, but every time I thought I was getting it, I would get smashed into a new wall. And right now, the moment where im pretty much uninstalling the game, is where I just don't find it fun and I don't want to play it anymore.

Anyway im not looking for help, just wondering if you can tell me if this is supposed to be so hard for a beginner like me? or is it honestly and simply a case that I am not cut out for this genre. Does my hatred of retracing steps, and a true hatred for pixel hunting pretty much mean I am totally wrong for this genre?

I haven't played broken sword for the last few days by the way and will continue with that tomorrow most probably, and hope to god I get on better. But in the meantime, could people please kindly recommend me any easier game, for me to at least get started, ones that don't require an hour or more of backtracking whenever you get stuck, and at least give some clues in the dialogue and environment.

PS: For the record, Im not into other gaming genres anymore. I'm not a FPS fan or action, and I dont care for instant gratification. Its why I was so excited for this genre of gaming, It focuses on story, atmosphere and intelligence, and im really desperate to get on with it. but I'm fearing now the puzzles might be a bit too hardcore for me,

Last edited by Idrisguitar; 01-03-2010 at 02:31 PM.
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