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Old 12-23-2009, 02:17 PM   #119
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i've just finished the game and here are my opinions:

+ very creepy atmosphere
+ beautiful graphics
+ several creative locations and plot devices
+ boakes' trademark "voice acting" (at first upon hearing it in lost crown i thought wtf, but i've started to like it, very unique)
+ first dark fall game that i was able to finish (i do admit the first 2 sort of bored me but i got em after playing lost crown to support the developer, this one kept my attention beginning to end)

- puzzle difficulty for me is too hard. i had to constantly refer to a walkthrough. the slow movement sort of gave me the "ah, i rather will look up the answer, rather than spending half an hour walking around before being able to check if my idea works" attitude
- controls (i.e. movement) are somewhat slow
- i would have preferred more "cheap thrills", i.e. stuff popping out at you

overall very pleasant experience which makes me eager for more of boakes' creations (please dont let us wait too long for "last crown")

Last edited by tastebud; 12-23-2009 at 02:22 PM.
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