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Old 04-29-2004, 08:27 AM   #17
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 13

In fact why don't I just outline what I believe? I believe in individual's rights before the rights of corporations. I believe that we should be legally allowed (AT LEAST) the following rights in regards to all forms of software (regardless of EULA's):

* The right to make back-up copies.
* The right to edit (hack) the program.
* The right to distribute the hack to other owners of the game. An example might be GoSierra which is a program designed to hack old Sierra games so that they can run with music and sound on faster PCs. The program (although it wasn't written by Sierra) was even given full recognition by Sierra themselves by hosting the file (though they stopped doing that now).
* The right to install the program an unlimited number of times on an unlimited number of PCs (only one copy of the program will be run at one time).

Now if that's disrespecting copyright, so be it. But I do not advocate redistribution ("pirating") of the program itself. Though we are told by both the music and software industries that this is stealing - it is not. It is merely a breach of copyright, but in this case it would be a violation of the rights of the copyright owners. So I'm quite happy to stay within the rights I have defined for myself above.

As far as gaming goes, and fan games: I believe that anyone should be allowed to make a game of their choosing about anything using any character names (plagiarized or not) and publish it under any title - if it is free.

PS: The definition of a hack is basically to simplify code - or to remove some junk, like for instance me opening up monkey4.exe and noping out the check that makes me have the CD in the drive. This is for two reasons, first I don't want to have to put my CDs in just to play the damn game (I believe my rights are more important than that) and 2. I have 2 drives, 1-DVD, 1-CD-RW, and the game expects me to put it into a specific one (whichever one is in the registry) - which I do not want to have to remember. Since EMI will let me play from back-up CDs anyway this isn't even opening up the possibility for piracy, which is already there.
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