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Old 10-02-2009, 04:31 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Henke View Post
The thing is that you need money to make games and there for you need to sell your game to the masses. I'm not saying that money equals quality. I often think it's the exact opposite since if you have a small budget the pressure of making big money on your product is less important so you don't have to change your artistic vision to please the masses (that includes movies and pretty much all form of entertainment or art). But if adventuregames doesn't make money there are much fewer who tries to make them and that will lead to fewer really good games.
That's true, and fair enough, but my point is also that if you're aiming to please the so called masses then it's often hit and miss tactics that usually come up miss. If you aim a really well rounded adventure game right at what the niche of its real target audience is though, then I think you'll end up with a successful title. It may be a niche market, but it's not to be underestimated. And that means not necassarily having to make it more like this genre or more like that one to improve the genre.
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