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Old 08-24-2009, 07:18 PM   #44
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"Glad to see you managed to get your hands on the official guide... "
Yes I have a very kind person on this board to thank for that. ^_^

Sometimes conversations alter depending on your interference or not.
So in this case, if you don't have the conversation with Schmidt where he says: "As a matter of fact, I am waiting for a lady" and Cath says that awesome line "well good luck waiting.", his conversation with Anna(when she arrives to dine with him) starts a bit differently.

If you talked with Schmidt he says something like "I have been a little soldier fighting off all the people that wanted to sit in your seat"

If you don't talk, I think he reminds Anna of his regret of not being able to travel along with her till Constaninople.

And yes....I am very thorough....although I might have to blame a obsessive compulse for that >_>.
But it is rewarding being thorough as I enjoy a game over a longer period of time.There is no feeling more worse than finishing an awesome game and saying goodbye to your characters, knowing you will never hear anything more from them anymore.

Lol....ik vind het grappig dat we nog nooit nederlandse woorden hebben uitgewisseld. Soms zie ik je echt aan als iemand uit de US. saying this might come off as awkward, but I find it quite the funny experience.....*ugh* it's late I am off to bed.

And umm.......I just found out that you're a woman....and not a*runs*

Last edited by Origami; 08-24-2009 at 07:31 PM.
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