Thread: I hate puzzles.
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Old 08-06-2009, 11:05 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by QDream View Post
Fahrenheit and Dreamfall are the best adventure games out there and the amount of puzzles in them are minimal
Lets take a closer look at these two games.

Fahrenheit I agree with you. This game deviated so much from the norm, that I couldn't help but love it. When I first played it I almost gave up because the controls (at least on the PC) were horrible. And I mean horrible. But the premise of the story grabbed me immediately. I mean this seemingly normal guy kills someone, and we as gamers, actually had a choice in how we acted in such a bizarre situation. Do we run? Do we try to hide the evidence? Lie? Tell the truth? I mean for me this was a revelation in gaming regardless of the genre.

Unfortunately, not all of Cage's ideas worked out the way I personally would have liked as your decisions didn't really effect the story's outcome until much later, (and even then in a cursory way), however to even have that option was something pretty unique. And while the story did eventually end up being fairly cliche by the end, getting there was one of the most fascinating journeys I've ever had in a game.

Yes the stealth sections were almost unbearable, and even after getting used to the controls, I still had a problem with them, but the game was unlike anything I'd ever played. So kudos to Cage as far as I'm concerned and I wish him luck with Heavy Rain.

Dreamfall? I played through it, but didn't find the gameplay or the story all that compelling. Maybe because I never finished TLJ, I didn't appreciate the story as much as someone who did, but I found that while it was certainly original, in it's bare roots, not that different from other games.

In fairness though, I just re-installed the game and am playing it again so I may change my mind.
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