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Old 08-02-2009, 06:55 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Melanie68 View Post
Yes. That's nothing new.
Well now I'm too shy to continue this line of questioning...
Originally Posted by Intrepid Homoludens View Post
All I know is that here in the States I'd ask for a Danish. But if in Europe I'd say, "May I please have that thingy with the jelly in the middle?"
and you'd probably be met with a blank stare. In the UK this is 'Jelly'. (Well, obviously it's not all Jelly, but just one example of the many forms it may take ).

What I'd recommend you ask for, should the situation arise, is "that thingy with jam in the middle". It might be a good idea, for both of us, to learn translations of the word 'jam' (or Jelly, for you United State'ians) in whatever language either of us might happen to visit.
My mom (and aunts and grandmas) would make a powdered sugar frosting with milk, butter and powdered sugar for sugar cookies and other assorted things. They may have had some others. They're probably in my recipe box. I think they called it frosting but I guess I thought those were interchangable. I could be wrong.
I think I may have spotted a potential difference. When I, or my mother or other miscellaneous relatives, making icing, we take Icing sugar (I assume this is the same as your powdered sugar, I could be wrong) or sometimes caster sugar (if icing sugar is unavailable) butter and whatever flavouring takes our fancies (I'm rather partial to vanilla and lime zest, with maybe a little almond), put them together in the same bowl and simply beat until smooth.

I imagine this would make a much thicker topping which (I presume) would stiffen more easily (no innuendos, please) than frosting, assuming, ofc, the difference is the recipe.

But, now I think about it, those times I’ve encountered ready made frosting that was also pretty thick, if not thicker…..
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