Thread: I hate puzzles.
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Old 08-01-2009, 04:39 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Find Therma View Post
... feel like they're actually solving the plot (ala Discworld Noir), rather than purely solving mostly nonsensical puzzles to progress the story as in Secret Files Tunguska.
I only played the N: DS version, but I gather the only real difference is the VO. I think that it's probably the best example of adding puzzles where they don't really belong I've ever encountered.

Dressing the sculpture in the suit of armour made no sense to me. Yeah, she gives us clues (about how it looked bare or something and how it looked different to the painting, etc), but why the hell would people jump to the conclusion that to open a secret passage you'd need to put bits of wood (etc) on a statue?

What's worse is that all the efforts to open the secret passage
(by dressing a statue) were only to rescue somebody who had fallen down a well and there was no other way down to rescue him. Why build the passage in the first place? Just invest in a damn rope ladder for the well! And while I understand the need for added security (extra portcullises down there) what designed in their right mind would think it was a good idea to put the opening mechanism for each of them in the same place (ie; the same damn statue every time)?!
Surely a robber, having discovered they can open the first gate by adorning some statue with scrap, would check to see if it was possible to open the rest of them in the same way, right?

My brother lost the DS before I could finish the game. It was his DS so I wasn't angry about that... The game was mine, but I felt no great compulsion to finish it. I was near the end but by that time I was no longer particularly interested to find out whatever the secret of Tunguska really was. (It was a very clever job of sucking the mystery out of one of the world greatest conspiracy theories, though).

Last edited by Melanie68; 08-01-2009 at 05:44 AM. Reason: added spoiler tags
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