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Old 07-09-2009, 08:01 PM   #77
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by Luna Sevithiainen View Post
I don't get it. I mean, it is understandable that they change a game upon re-release, but why degrade it like this? That would only cost extra in the process and you only loose quality. It is not like Loom was extremely "talkative", the dialogues were not endlessly long. I wonder how they could have cut in them without loosing important info.
Technical reasons, probably. Loom had all sounds in one long (almost 55 minutes) audio track on the CD. It could play music and speech together during cutscenes because it was mixed that way on the track, but if it had played background music it would have had to interrupt it every time someone spoke. Perhaps the complete dialog didn't fit on one CD, though there is (at least) one scene where the CD version is longer than the original.

Later LucasArts did things differently, but I guess "talkie" games were still in their infancy.
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