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Old 06-16-2009, 10:52 PM   #9
Cranky Game Designer
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 22
Default Life Is Short, Eat Dessert First

I'm going to go out on a limb and disagree with most of the people who've posted so far, and recommend that you dive right into Tales as it releases, whether or not you've finished Secret (or any of the other LucasArts titles). Playing the "first run" of Tales as it comes out, speculating along with everybody else about what's going to happen next month, is a part of the serialized story experience that I'd hate for you to miss. (I might compare it to watching new episodes of "Heroes" as they air, instead of next year when everyone else is finished talking about them. The conversation is part of the fun.) The new series has been deliberately designed to be a good starting place for an audience previously unexposed to Monkey Island, so that everyone would be able to enjoy it this way.

I was one of the principal writers and designers of both The Secret of Monkey Island and LeChuck's Revenge, and am now intimately involved with Tales of Monkey Island as Telltale's design director, so I speak with something like a mother's love for all of these games. You should definitely play them all. I just don't think you should necessarily start at the beginning.

(By the way, in 1993, people asked me whether they should play Maniac Mansion before starting Day of the Tentacle. I also said no then.)
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