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Old 06-15-2009, 11:21 PM   #9
seanparkerfilms's Avatar
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I agree. This seems to be a common symptom among adventure games — maybe it's just an easy trap for developers to fall into. Games like The Longest Journey and Syberia stick out in my mind for having an unnatural slowness. I didn't really mind it as much at the time in TLJ... but since then, the more games I play, the less I want to watch long, protracted, and oft-repeated animations of picking up items as if we have all the time in the world (and apparently severely lessened gravity, or something).

While it doesn't quite fall in line with the "realistic human movement" you were mentioning, I think Telltale's Sam & Max deserves to be applauded for having a fluid and diverse set of animations that's almost as snappy as its dialogue.
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