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Old 06-08-2009, 08:10 AM   #148
Game fanatic
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Trep: I'll elaborate later, when I find the time.

Mikane Zaprick: I'd like to point out that the hidden object genre, although it has grown stale now, was originally not a case of regression but actually provided an interesting and very easy-to-learn offshoot of the adventure genre, as far as I'm aware. The audience was (and is) not necessarily the same as with AGs, and a lot of the hidden object games could obviously do with more ambition, but in itself the genre actually one of the few new developments that have occurred the past few years with relation to the adventure genre.

I find it especially interesting when tricks developed in HOGs are applied "back to the mother genre", in more traditional puzzle adventures such as the recent Pahelika, which provided a lot more satisfying audiovisual microrewards than many modern adventures I've played.
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