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Old 06-01-2009, 08:36 AM   #3468
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More proof that just because something might be aimed more at kids, doesn't mean it won't appeal to adults.

Coraline Jones has just moved into a new house. Her parents seem to ignore her and there isn't much else to do. Then she discovers mirror world behind a small door where an "other father and mother" treat her in the way she feels she deserves. Of course, the dream world is not quite what it seems.

In a way this is a horror story. But rather than hideous demons and limib-ripping (which would have made the PG certificate tough to justify) the horror stems more from wrongness and the transformation of the dream-world. Right from the start the button eyes of everyone in the dream world are unsettling and things only go downhill from there. It's proof that you don't need gore and shocks when a more intellectual approach can achieve a much more disturbing effect.

It looks beautiful as well. Anyone who has seen The Nightmare Before Christmas will recognise some elements of the animation. It's atonishingly detailed (though that's probably the norm for animation these days) and full of nice little touches that merit close attention (I'd also recommend watching to the end of the credits to see some speical animation done jsut for them)

Nab a kid as cover if you have to but I'd recommend seeing this if you can.
No Nonsense Nonsonnets #43

Cold Topic

A thread most controversial, that’s what I want to start
Full of impassioned arguments, of posting from the heart
And for this stimulation all will be thankful to me
On come on everybody it won’t work if you agree
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