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Old 05-02-2009, 10:20 AM   #515
Ale! And keep 'em coming!
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Originally Posted by tsa View Post
Thanks for the explanation Jaz. But you're a language-nut, while I am a nanotechnology nut. So for me languages are quite complicated. Are you in for a short, unscientific but fun test? If German is (allegedly) easy for Dutch people, then Dutch should be easy for German people, right? So can you read the Dutch part of my website? You can check wether you understand it by reading the English part. They're mostly identical.

After a bit of thinking I could figure out what is was about. Of course I know approximately what you're talking about, so it's a bit easier. If I had no clue what the approximate subject is, it would be more difficult. Let's see:

Boeken en verhalen

Ik schrijf boeken en verhalen voor zowel kinderen als volwassenen. Mijn verhalen over Sophie zijn inmiddels bekend in heel Europa en daarbuiten en ik heb een aantal internationale fans. Hieronder ziet u een kort overzicht van de verhalen die u op mijn website kunt vinden.

Mijn boeken en verhalen zijn allemaal te koop bij Lulu!

Books and Stories

I write books and stories for [zowel? Maybe "small"?] Children as [volwassenen? I at first read this as "Vollwaisen", which would be orphans, specifically ones that have neither mother or father. Orphans which still have one parent left would be "Halbwaisen". I am not quite sure if this is really the translation of "volwassenen", though... ]. My stories about Sophie are by now known in all of [or maybe "half of"] Europe and beyond [not sure about "beyond"] and I have a percentage/a few [German "Anteil", though one would rather use "Ein paar" in this case] of International fans. Following you'll find (literally "Below here are") a short overview of the stories you can find on my website.

My books and stories are all for purchase from Lulu!

As you can see, it works pretty well. I do understand a bit when I hear the language spoken, but not everything. If I have time to analyse a text, and have context, it's always easier. I didn't check what the text above is on the English version of your site, as I wanted to see how well I could translate it without help. Reading it first I had translated it into German in my head, because it's closer to Dutch than English is, I find. Though I take bits from here and there. Some of the words I only later figured out what they *might* mean, like "Verhalen", which I actually checked from the English link on the left, before I decided I'd first post here before checking the English version.

So, how did I do?

- "esc(x) cot(x) dx = -csc(x)!" Dennis added, and the wizard's robe caught on fire. "Gosh," Dennis said, "and some people say higher math isn't relevant."

>>>Inventor of the Mail order-Assassin<<<

And *This* a Black Hole - BYE!
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