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Old 04-15-2009, 11:00 AM   #55
Ace Attorney
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I'd like to update my previous post to include The Lost Crown as well. I (finally) decided to give it a try on Easter weekend and am close to finishing it. (In fact I'm at work as I write this and I can't wait for 5 pm so I can rush home and play!)

I almost jumped out of my seat last night when...

I found The Nightmare Room and read the journals in the desk drawer, then saw one of the Ager ghosts materialize in the corner by the bookshelf...omg!

I think what The Lost Crown does so well is provide a good mix of puzzle varieties so one doesn't get bored, as well as slowly peels away the layers of the background story. I would not consider this the scariest game I have ever played, but it's certainly made me uncomfortable in a few parts where I've had to laugh at myself for being so jittery. I can't wait to find out how it all ends.
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