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Old 02-26-2009, 06:29 AM   #8
Ace Attorney
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Originally Posted by Mohlin View Post
When you start a new game, or get access to a previously closed area, how do you "behave"? Do you start looking for clues immidiately, or do you have a look around first?

I always look around, especially when I start a new game. Walk around the house, check which doors can be opened. How far can you walk before the "game boundries". Look inside the house (or whatever it is). Where's the kitchen (always interesting), what books are there (but not reading yet).

Then I go back to "start" and now start fine-combing for clues (roaming curser, you know).

Do you have any game habits like that?
I do the same thing. I definitely tend to wander off to go exploring instead of going where I'm told to go. I go everywhere, click everything, collect anything I can. I might also try to see what kind of extra actions are possible, like eating, washing my hands or using the bathroom. I like to assimilate and feel immersed. I like to try to get in the head of my protagonist, like I really did just arrive at an old mysterious house. Then, when I feel comfortable and familiar with my surroundings, perhaps I'll begin the actual quests!

Some games really reward you for your adventurous spirit, but others not so much. For example, right now I'm playing The Black Mirror for the first time, and it's frustrating that I can't pick up objects ahead of time that I know I'll need later.

It's funny that you mentioned kitchens...that's the room I'm always most curious about as well. Wonder why.
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