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Old 02-18-2009, 08:47 AM   #34
Stalker of Britain
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Don't worry Rex & Phod!!! I am eagerly excited to have people who have never played the game come in!!!

And to repeat for them, please DO NOT put spoilers in. If you do talk about spoilers, *please* put them in spoiler tags. I encourage this for people who have already played the game, and see something relevant to the many theories going around. Feel free to point these out, but put them in spoiler tags. Thanks.

Well, guess what guys? It's Wednesday!!!! We're officially starting the playthrough. As you will learn early on in the game, Nigel keeps a journal. After you see the first entry of the journal, keep playing until Nigel goes to sleep for that night. After he lays down, and when he gets back up, he will present a new journal entry. When you get to the 2nd journal entry that night, stop. Come back here, and post your thoughts, questions, theories (pertaining to THAT chapter unless spoiler tags), etc! We'll start the second "chapter" February the 25th. (I hope the directions were clear. If you need me to elaborate, please tell me, and I'll try. )
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"And everyone's favourite anglophile, Fantasy!"-Intense
Favorite Adventure Games-Lost Crown/Dark Fall 1&2, Longest Journey games, Myst games, Barrow Hill
Favorite Other Games-King's Bounty, Sims 2, Fable, Disciples 2 Gold
Currently Playing-Trine 2
Games I Want-Kings Bounty: Warriors of the North!!!, Asylum, Last Crown, Braken Tor, Testament of Sherlock Holmes
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