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Old 01-10-2009, 08:48 AM   #67
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 172

The worst "ending" of all time is the entire last third of Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy.
The main character dies, but comes back to life. He has hot zombie sex with the female cop that's been pursuing him, a fugitive, this entire time. Bums are revealed to be ancient prophets instead of the often drunk homleless people they're perceived to be. The old lady that was helping you up until this point turns out to be the internet. Yes, the physical incarnation of the internet, intent on wreaking havoc and destroying the world. The main character learns to fly and fights and ancient mayan priest in Dragonball Z-inspired combat. It all culminates in a really retarded series of events that, in one ending, lead the main character and the policewoman to have a child. Ever wonder if a zombie could still produce sperm? Now you know.

Up until this point, the game was a pretty intriguing supernatural thriller. David Cage is the video game equivalent of Ed Wood.
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