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Old 11-26-2008, 11:21 AM   #194
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 314

Just completed this today.

I really enjoyed it, and thought it caught the spirit of classic adventure games perfectly.

Beautiful music and sound effects, gorgeous backgrounds and great character design. (I don't even think that the characters are especially Disney-ey, as the designs are slightly more exaggerated and stylised.)

Inky the lake Monster was rubbish though.

I do agree that the writing wasn't entirely top notch. The first few puns really grated and I feared the worst, but they settled into a satisfying rhythm fairly quickly. There were still lots of jokes that fell flat, which I find frustrating, because with just a little more quality control the writing could've been great. Someone cutting the occasional painful pun or rewriting a meandering gag would've really helped.

The puzzles were sound. I didn't struggle at all, but the game never felt overly simple - although there were quite a few occasions where I'd completed several steps of a puzzle before appreciating what it was I was doing.

I warmed to Mona and Froderick and I didn't find any of the voices especially annoying, although I do think they shot themselves in the foot by having Tim 'Mole Man' Talbot voice every male character you met in the castle, especially when they had several other actors later on. He does a great job, but it would've been wiser to mix things up a bit, just for variety.

The ending is frustrating, particularly as it feels like the game is building up for the next stage, before suddenly dropping the credits onto you. The game is longer than my pessimistic predictions had estimated though.

I'm sure they could've created a more satisfying conclusion while simultaneously setting up the potential for future adventures. As it stands, we get shown the next area, but aren't allowed to play it, which is a rotten trick.

Overall though, I really like this game. While it doesn't break any new ground, it's charming, entertaining and fun to play.
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