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Old 10-05-2008, 10:10 AM   #14
Not like them!
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Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo View Post
I don't know how anyone with multiple gaming systems has time to 'run out of' good games.

Unless you're foolish enough to buy a system based on 'potential' surely you must have felt the purchase was justified with the games that were available at the time? Else why did you buy it?
Don't patronize. I can't afford multiple gaming systems. I bought the Wii for a few games I wanted, and I enjoyed those. But now I'm waiting and waiting and it doesn't look like any other games are coming. The four good games I knew I'd be getting aren't worth a $250 system. And there was no way I could have known, at the time, that the releases would dry up.

Why did I buy it? Because it's not unreasonable to assume that where there are some games, there are soon going to be more. This is a very unusual situation, here.

In short: shut up.
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