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Old 08-02-2008, 09:35 AM   #3295
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The X-Files : I want to Believe

I wanted to believe that 10 years after the first movie that Mulder and Scully still had it. That spark that made you watch 9 seasons of government conspiracies, aliens and supernatural occurancies.

Unfortunatly the chemistry between the main stars is the only thing going for this movie.

Ditching all the conspiracy and alien storylines in favour of a straightforward kidnapping story means that it doesn't really feel x-files enough for me.

A Paedophile priest with "Psychic" powers (Billy Connelly) helps the FBI and Mulder is brought in to see if the priest really is psychic and help with the hunt.

A pointless sub-plot as Scully plays Doctor doesn't really go anywhere and the finale is more mad scientist than paranormal.

Still they get in some good references for the X-Files fan, some laughs and it's nice to see Mulder and Scully back together again.

However it is just like an average episode stretched out to movie length. Was hoping for more.

I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
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