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Old 07-28-2008, 04:44 PM   #121
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I still don't have much time, I'll write more tomorrow, but for now:

Originally Posted by MoriartyL View Post
A story is not just a series of events, it's the emotions those events evoke. This game has a lot of events, but few emotions. If people are dying, and then people are sitting around calmly chatting about the weather as if nothing has happened, that is bad storytelling.
Oh come now! Tatiana is talking about the weather when her childhood friend dies??

That story culminates in an ending so spectacularly dumb I'm astonished you have to ask me to explain. It throws everything that worked about the game right out the window. The characters you learned about and watched? They're dropped behind, none of them getting any resolution.
They are just people you meet on a train, interesting and amusing characters who don't need any "resolution". But we can guess what will happen to them in the future: more power to Jordan Mechner!

What the heck was Jordan Mechner thinking, throwing all that out the window by making the story about a frickin' fairy tale creature?! For this I stole all those things and made all those deals and watched all those people? So that the game could devolve, Fahrenheit-style, into nonsense?!
The story is about war, about the dark side of mankind. Even the "frickin' fairy tale creature" is a metaphor for war. When the bird flies away, it casts a shadow over Europe.
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