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Old 07-27-2008, 01:54 PM   #31
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IMO the most important thing in a game depends on the game. I don't expect an intricate plot or deep characters in a Kheops game, but I can enjoy them for other reasons.

I can't say the characters were particularly memorable in Moment of Silence. I can't even remember the hero's name. But I thought the story and the themes were interesting and I enjoyed the game despite the occasional pathfinding problems.
Whenever a favorite website disappears from the Internet I am reminded of the value of hard copy for long term storage, and I think of how things were slowly censored over time in the game, so that no one noticed. No I don't expect some computer AI to try to take over the world for its own good. It's more likely that certain humans would do that for politcal reasons. But it is much easier to censor information when it's only stored in digital form at a central location.
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