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Old 07-25-2008, 12:58 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Lupin The Third View Post
Actually older 2D games often look better on HD sets than most PS2 games. Castlevania:SOTN is a great example, the game looks brilliant on my 57" HDTV in 1080 resolution. Newer adventure games would look fine in HD even on larger screens, and many older titles would look great as well.

However I wouldn't be surprised if some titles have been refused by MS or Sony. It's already well known that MS has turned down some excellent titles for XBLA, most notably the amazing Dodonpachi shooter series and a brilliant 2D platformer called Eternity's Child, so it's not unlikely that some adventure games have been submitted and denied...but if that was the case you'd think the publishers would have said something about MS and/or Sony being the problem. To me it seems more like adventure game publishers aren't even paying attention which is a real shame.

It seems to me that one of the best ways to revive this genre is to actually get consumers to pay attention...which isn't going to happen when a game is sitting on the shelf along side titles like Gears, Halo, Resistance, Metal Gear, WOW, Diablo 3, etc. On a service like XBLA an adventure game would be showcased in a way that it simply will not be at retail.

Personally I'd love to see XBLA/PSN flooded with titles ranging from the Myst Series to the Quest Series(Police/Space/Kings/OfG) to Agatha Christie Mysteries....even the Nancy Drew adventure games would make sense. There's so much opportunity here to revitalize this genre of gaming and make it relevant once more....but no one seems to be paying attention.

What cable you tried, i used component cable on ps2, did you use that or normal AV cable?

as far as adventure games go, the thing i realized is advnture gaming is slowly dying to the extent of nonexistant on consoles.

It did revive on DS though, probably because its too cheap to make DS games, DS is almos tlike atari of nowadays, countless softwares weekly.

I personally dont like to play adventure games on consoles specially one that have mouse cursor, not 3d, DS and PC are best for those games.

One of the game that could might work best on PSN right now is clocktower, one of the best adventures of PS1.
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