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Old 06-28-2008, 12:12 PM   #43
Ale! And keep 'em coming!
Jazhara7's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Beyond the Pattern of Reality...or Germany
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As you might remember, our dear Cuno died earlier this year. The one that probably missing him the most was my mother (though of course we missed him too), and though we had planned on not getting another dog, a few months ago she suddenly showed me an article in the newspaper about a Animal protection group which try to find owners for dogs that are ownerless right now. The article mentioned a Dobermann called Paul, and that had her interested.

She was a bit disappointed at first by the fact that it was a brown Dobermann, and that his ear and tail were docked, due to his first owners having been American Soldiers stationed here in Frankfurt (docking ears is no longer allowed in Germany, and has been since around 1996. Same for docking tails, except for dogs of ones working in forests and other environments where they have to get through thickets and where a long tail can easily get hurt.). They had actually brought the dog with them from the US as a puppy, and got him educated by a German trainer when here. When they left, they couldn't, or didn't want to take him with them. For a while, he had been with new owners, but that ended when the man in that group of owners assaulted poor Paul with a Katana. Considering that, he's amazingly friendly, even if he does seem to sometimes think you're about to hit him, in which case he sometimes snaps defensively at you. But we're training to have him see that we won't hurt him any longer. But still, he's surprisingly friendly despite those little problems.

So here is the little cutie:

What do you think, Jelensie (and everyone else too, of course)? Is he cute, or is he cute? ^_^

The neckcloth came with the dog, by the way. Also, even if his ears are docked, they sometimes flop in the most cutest way. Especially when walks. It just makes you melt, it's so adorable. ^_^

- "esc(x) cot(x) dx = -csc(x)!" Dennis added, and the wizard's robe caught on fire. "Gosh," Dennis said, "and some people say higher math isn't relevant."

>>>Inventor of the Mail order-Assassin<<<

And *This* a Black Hole - BYE!
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