Thread: No pun intended
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Old 06-08-2008, 03:09 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Ninja Dodo View Post
This is going to sound like an odd question... but does anyone else feel "no pun intended" is the single most offensive phrase in the English language?
Apparently, yes. Not me, though. What makes you assume that the phrase is a form of apology or excuse? Note:

1. Just because I say I hadn't intended the pun, doesn't mean I hadn't.
2. Even if I didn't intend the pun, I may not necessarily consider it bad when I spot it.
3. Even if I do consider it bad, I may not consider it bad enough to go back and change the wording.

(And even if I do find it that awful and leave it anyway... I can think of plenty of worse ways to offend others verbally than bad puns. But that's pretty subjective, so I won't list it as "4.")
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