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Old 03-16-2008, 09:41 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ShadeJackrabbit View Post
...for you. I think the main point is that reviews are just people's opinions, though they're supposed to be less biased, though we all know that it's impossible to not let a little bias in. But ultimately, there can't really be a "wrong" review.
Bias will enter the review in various increments, however, saying "there can't really be a wrong review" is letting the reviewer off the hook. What is the purpose of a review? Is it merely a self serving exercise to highlight how clever the reviewer is?

Often it seems that way. Many times they read as if the reviewer has placed herself or himself on a higher plane than the ignorant gamer. For that reviewer it is not "wrong"
it could be "wrong" for everybody else though. In this type of self serving review the critically superior writer completely missed the point. What is humorous about this is the smug author is unaware of it.

The review failed to inform the gaming public important elements of the game. The reader does not have the needed information to make a decision. But it did succeed in feeding the writer's ego. Bias in a review is legitimate only if the writer acknowledges that bias. There is nothing wrong in stating "I dislike long character dialog in games," or "I hate doing puzzle after puzzle."

My point is unchanged, give us the facts about the games. Then and only then can the reviewer rant.
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