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Old 02-23-2008, 08:38 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by papillon View Post
Once you're on either the Kid's perspective or Takeshi's perspective, the choices you make will generally determine:

which girl-path you're on
whether you get a good or a bad ending for that path

So if you're spending all your time with Sara, then you're probably on Sara's path. You'll get extra scenes with Sara that don't occur if you're playing the other girl's path. If you're doing well, some scenes in that path will play out differently, or some extra scenes might happen that don't happen if you're doing badly. But the overall plot will move along about the same way until near the end, when things will change drastically based on what path you're on and whether you're getting a good or a bad ending.
Hmmm... I see. I've not encountered Sara in the story yet though the manual does provide a short description of her. I wonder how someone could not be perceived or seen by another. That is: why Takeshi doesn't see or hear Sara nor witness anyone interacting with her, though I suspect my answers will be fulfilled soon.

Aha... I'm on Sora's path now and yeah... she's kinda interesting. And I'm starting to see Kid as my little brother. :p

Still, all that talk about science made me dig out many links to understand what terms like nucleus, dimensions, planes, etc. mean. It's been years since I encountered this stuff so my knowledge is rusty.

Ah, and thank you for the explanation.
I am asexual, neither male nor female.
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