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Old 01-30-2008, 09:10 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by papillon View Post
The demo for Ever 17 isn't actually playable. It just shows you bits and pieces of the story, and not in perfect sequence either. It's more like a very long movie trailer than a demo. When you're playing the actual game, you will get to make choices and determine how the story goes.
Yeah... I asked about the Ever 17 demo a short while ago and was told that.

Oh well!

It really is a great story. Better than mine. On the other hand, Ever 17 doesn't do puzzles or minigames, so if you want some puzzle-solving to break up your reading, play Fatal Hearts.
Better than yours? What game did you create?

Puzzle-solving, huh... well, unfortunately from what I've heard, the puzzles in Fatal hearts seem to revolve around "click-fests" than on logic and thinking skills, right?

And with that said: very few games have mazes which're truly playable. You often either end up with games like Kyrandia where the maze keeps locking you out of the game(if my memory serves me right) or Delaware where the maze turns into nothing but a huge confusing click-fest.

Well, the last option is the type of "maze" they implemented in The Tale of Two Kingdoms: no dead-ends, no confusing paths and where if you fail, you simply try again. But very tough if you refuse to work it out the old-school way: mapping it out.

I wonder what type of maze they went for in Fatal Hearts.
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