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Old 01-07-2008, 07:57 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Matan View Post
In Yu-no, the hero of this game traveled many Parallel universes and solve the mystery which hero's father left.
These complicated graphs and differential equations of wikipedia, explains Parallel universes.

Yu-no is old game, first released in 1996, but this game is still considered as great adventure game by many gamers.
I often wonder why this game is still not translated to other languages.

Originally Posted by Matan View Post
I also have a notion of japanese being a very hard and practically impossible-to-learn language. Is this true?
Japanese language is written with a combination of three different types of scripts.

So.....umm......yes. I thik Japanese is difficult language to learn.
But,there are a lot of games which still not translated in English especially adventure game genre.
So, I think it is worth to learning japanese.

Originally Posted by Matan View Post
I still am curious about the japanese adventure game genre. How popular are these "visual novel" games there?
This is VEEEEERY difficult question for me. I don't know about this genre well like you. And as japanese,I don't proud of these games.
Frankly speaking I don't want to answer this question.
But you live in Israel and don't know japanese langage.
So OK, I'll try to answer.

Today, I went to used gameshop near my house.
There are big Bishōjo game section.
All games above red line are bishojo game for man.
and games put between red line and blue line are for women.(yes, there are also female gamer who loves to communicate to virtual boys.)
Because there are a lot of this kind of games, I assume that this genre is pretty popular in Japan. But this is not enough answer.
Because all games are PS2 platform.(transplanted from PC version)

1,Japanese game market (main game culture)

Though PC is not usually used for game, there are one genre which occupies most of Japanese PC game market; Eroge(anime-style often contains Nudity,Hentai-games)

2,Otaku game market (subculture)
In Japan, there are quite unique subculture;Otaku culture. Otaku people loves Anime,Comic,Game,Anime-Figurine and Internet.
And Otaku culture made many unique (and eccentric) inventions.
Visual novel type Eroge is one of their invention.

In Japanese PC game market,most of share are occupied by Eroge.
These people who loves Eroge often loves internet.
So, maybe you would have seen a lot of Eroge gameplay or screen shot in Youtube or somewhere in internet.
But generally, in real life, the number of people who loves this genre is not many, I think.

3.Types of eroge
Most of them take Visual novel or Adventure game style.But there are also simulation, action and RPG style. School life love affair theme is often used in this kind of game.
This English page explains well about History of Eroge.

4,Why this genre is popular in Japan
culture? taste? It's a mystery to me.

Anime-style visual novels are mainly played by limited people;Otaku people.
But some of them are transplanted to Console game, so not-otaku people also can plays this genre.

Well, that's all.
My explanation is enough,Matan?
Do you understand it?

Sound Novel games

Last edited by XXJ; 01-08-2008 at 08:53 AM. Reason: Because I am writing now.
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