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Old 12-25-2007, 05:34 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by XXJ View Post
1,SNES game that revolved around a murder.
2,played as a police officer or a private eye.
3,the first murder took place at either a harbor or a canal of some sort.
4,it seemed to break the nintendo mold.
5,released in the west or fan translated rom this really SNES game? not NES?
as for japanese SNES game...
夜光虫(a noctiluca) this is a gameboy transplanted screenshot.
Thanks for grabbing the issue mate. I'm almost entirely certain it was a SNES game. Been thinking back since I made that post and I'm pretty sure it was a rom I played and not a cartridge which unfortunately makes it even more difficult with the whole fan translation projects.

It wasn't the game you linked though but that looked interesting in itself. I believe there was quite a lot of conversations where you would interview witnesses and so forth, in that regard it reminds me of phoenix wright but as far as I can recall there wasn't any element of humor at all.
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