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Old 12-13-2007, 02:36 PM   #478
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Uncharted Drakes Fortune

The PS3 has it's first superstar. Nathan Drake part Indiana Jones, Part John Maclane, part Lara Croft and all round action star. Naughty Dog have come up with another set of memorable characters (Crash Bandicoot and Jax and Daxter now Nathan)

"Dude Raider" as the game has affectionally been nicknamed borrows from the Tomb Raider games with the Tomb Raiding Storyline and the athletic climbing and jumping sections. It also borrows the cover system from Gears of War and fuses the two elements together with some cool characters, a decent story and sublime visuals to make ONE HELL OF A GAME.

Nathan Drake starts off the game looking for the grave of Francis Drake (who he claims is an ancestor) with his buddy Sullivan and a sexy reporter Elena. Soon they come across Dead Nazis, Ancient Treasure, a lot of ancient ruins, Spanish Gold, a British Villian and a whole heap of henchmen.

I liked the mix between platforming and action although it's more weighted towards the action end than any of the Lara games. There are some stunning set pieces including my favourite, the race through the jungle with Elena driving as you use the mounted gun to keep the pursuers at bay. Other set pieces like the jet ski level is less successful.

The locations are varied and extremely lush (except for a drab base level near the end).

The animation and graphics are stunning for the most part and are really brought to life with some superb voice work for the main characters.

It also uses a reward system which is very familiar of you have an Xbox 360. The "Achievements" are doled out for finding treasures along the way or for killing a set amount of enemy with specific weapons or tactics (I got the 100 headshots one pretty fast). Pretty good incentive for playing it again.

A superb game from start to finish. Watch out Lara there is a new guy in town.

I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
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