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Old 03-20-2004, 08:06 AM   #1
Skinny Minnie
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Default Anybody else still playing NWN?

Yep, I'm still slashing (and piercing, if you count longstanding henchman Tomi and his arrows) my way through Neverwinter Night's main campaign. My level 16 Paladin is kicking some major butt. She's got 13 AC armor along with 2 health regeneration rings, about 20 custom melee weapons, she can carry 400 pounds, and she's lugging around over one million in gold. Respawning is waaaay too expensive in both gold and XP to even consider any more so I save every ten feet. She's fought a war in a snow globe (I'm not kidding) and battled several huge dragons, of which the last one, Klauth (see pic below) was majorly nasty and required portaling back to Tyr about three times mid-battle for healing and picking up dead Tomi. Klauth's challenge rating read "Impossible" until she poisoned him first, which involved killing yet a different dragon, and even after she poisoned Klauth it was a madhouse there for a while.... There was also a haunted town that was mired forever in nighttime, which had a cool and creepy back story and a twist as she exited it. I like the puzzles, plot, and quests better than in most of the other action-RPGs I've played; they're less "UPS-driver-ish" and tie into the main theme better, even though the main theme lost some of its luster mid-way through. Outside of a few bugs (and that *still annoying* "stand there bobbing up and down whilst you wait your turn to dish out damage" thing), this is one of the better RPGs I've played. I downloaded both the Sacred and Beyond Divinity demos, but to be honest, the isometric/static 2D backdrop view thing just felt sooooo old after whipping around in 3D for so long now. Ick. I loved the fully-3D interface of Dungeon Siege, and after NWN, I'm totally hooked on it now. I'm glad I have both NWN expansion packs, er, if I have any casual gaming time left after le bebe finally decides to show, that is (due date Tuesday, feels like never)....

Oh yeah, and I imported my Paladin into the Hordes of the Underdark expansion just to peek around when she was a Level 15, and she got annihilated! That's when I decided to go running back to the main campaign and finish it before trying HotU again! Does anybody know what the heck level you have to be to survive in HotU, or does it depend upon the character class?

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