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Old 08-16-2007, 07:43 PM   #78
Not A Speck Of Cereal
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Originally Posted by Jat316sob View Post
People only perform actions, if the result produces for them a benefit of some sort.

In your examples, the average person knows that when they see somebody in imminent danger, they will feel terrible if they watch that person die. They act in order to avoid a negative consequence.
You're assuming a lot. Does that happen (the hero is acting only to avoid the tragedy to themselves)? Probably.

Is it always the case? Is there never an occurrence of someone rushing in on instinct simply because they think that they can avoid the tragedy for the sake of the victim and not to save themselves from anguish? I don't believe so.

They also get the secondary benefit of being a hero and the good feelings that go along with that.
That would be a pre- or post-conceived notion, given at least some thought. The instinct to save someone in the moment doesn't always allow for that.

At any rate, your opinion is unpopular to me, so bravo!
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