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Old 08-08-2007, 02:28 PM   #6
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There seem to be some really interesting titles in the pipeline.

Of course, Gray Matter can't be bad. While I never really got too far into GK3, the writing was very good.

The new game by Hal Barwood and Noah Falstein, Mata Hari, sounds also very intriguing. Hal doesn't seem to be much of an adventure traditionalist, something that makes it even more interesting.
Experience112 and its very unique concept could also be great.
It's not dependant on the internet like In Memoriam, which I could never get to work, since this damn game couldn't reach the mail server! Even the newest patch didn't help.
Okay, I got off-topic...

Reprobates, definately. Black Mirror is one of my favorite adventure games from the past few years, even with the catastrophic ending and the "twist" you could see a mile away....
And Reprobates is another dark mystery. I hope they fix those few failings in this one.

Then there's Culpa Innata. It seems like the developers focused more on a big world and story instead of great graphics. I think this is the right decision. For some time now 3D graphics are good enough to be pleasing to the eye, recognizable and able to transport the story.
All the previews sounded promising.

Oh, and of course, Sinking Island. Maybe it's a real game and not just a story with some bare interaction around it...
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