Thread: Ankh 2
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Old 06-13-2007, 12:50 PM   #7
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It may not be the entire cast, but the Ankh games certainly share a good few voice artists with The Moment of Silence. Certainly the guy who provided Peter Wright's voice is there, and he's very good - and varied, I think he provides the voice for the imprisoned fruit seller, the guru, Assil's dad and the wine merchant, amongst others.

Less good, however, is the bloke doing the Pharaoh’s voice. He did a few voices in MOS too - the guy at the newsstand and your fat colleague, for example - where he was just as stilted. He has the uncanny ability to read a line, but put the emphasis in exactly the wrong place, every time.

I thought the new Thara was a marked improvement on the first, making the reappearance of the obviously-English-putting-on-a-poor-American-accent girl, playing Assil's friend & the Princess, all the more inexplicable.

And whoever the young sounding, English voice actor who provided the voice of the revolution leader, needs to find another job, post haste.

Other than my problems with some of the vocal talent, I thought Ankh 2 was fine. Just as short as the first, and equally unfunny, but its heart's in the right place. I didn't come across any major bugs myself, but I did find the odd glitch, suggesting that not all the problems have been ironed out.

Considering it's an area that's vital - or at least of large importance - to adventure games, I wish developers would put more effort in, when it comes to organising a good voice cast. I think games that get translated suffer from this the most, but time and time again, it's been proven that just getting anyone to fill in, doesn't work.

Last edited by noknowncure; 06-13-2007 at 12:51 PM. Reason: I wanted to add a bit more, obviously...
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