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Old 06-02-2007, 07:26 AM   #1
Hopeful skeptic
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Default New moderator announcement

We're pleased to announce a new addition to our moderating staff today. Now, in trying to decide the next candidate for the mod squad, we reviewed the usual criteria list: a mature attitude, an evident sense of responsibility, a desire to help others and keep things running smoothly, plus a general playfulness and friendliness to tie it all together. In a bizarre twist of fate, however, the list suddenly included a hand-scribbled addition at the end, saying simply: "wears loud shirts". Hmmm. I'm positive that was never there before, but I must say, it made the selection a WHOLE lot easier.

And so we welcome stepurhan into the fold, having pitched him the idea by emphasizing the tremendous respect and admiration the job brings. He will, of course, soon learn that when we said "respect and admiration", what we really meant was "hassles and headaches". But now's not the time to quibble over semantics.

I should also mention that there is no truth to the rumour that stepurhan will be required to moderate entirely in sonnet, though we wouldn't actually bet against him doing it.

Unfortunately, as one emerges, another departs, so we bid adieu to Kurufinwe today, too. Kurufinwe stepped in at a time we really needed him, and we're grateful for all his efforts. But now he claims the job has crushed his spirit and driven him to a life of booze, drugs, and debauchery... no, wait, that's me! Um, yeah, apparently it's just time for him to focus his attention and energy onto other personal endeavours, so we wish him all the best, and remind him that he'll always be welcome at AG.

So, please join me in welcoming stepurhan aboard, and bidding a fond farewell-but-not-goodbye to Kurufinwe!

Last edited by stepurhan; 06-02-2007 at 09:44 AM.
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