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Old 05-28-2007, 09:53 PM   #1
Retired Buccaneer
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Default What do you collect (besides games)?

Hasn't been a thread like this in a while...

Simple question: What do you collect? What oddments have wormed their way into your houses? What holds a special place on your shelves?

Though, we talk enough about the games we hoard in other threads, so I'm making that the one subject Not To Be Mentioned™. Anything else is fair game.

And it wouldn't be nice to inflict this thread upon you without participating meself, so...

I happen to have the complete Aventures de Tintin series (in the original French) sitting in my bedroom. And I do mean complete. Not just the current standard versions, but also the black-and-white editions of the first several adventures. Plus, facsimile editions of the original color printings, which basically duplicate the albums as they were before editors and politically-correct police got involved. Not to mention a copy of Le Temple du Soleil (Prisoners of the Sun) which replicates the original newspaper printing, with several extra sequences not seen in the final album form. And of course, a copy of the English Tintin in the Congo, which contains a page Hergé originally drew for a Scandinavian edition to replace an "offensive" scene in the French album (not involving the stereotyped Africans, mind you, but rather an exploding rhinoceros!). (Finally, sitting reverently on the shelf next to all the French volumes are some very careworn copies of the English translations of Tintin, the source of my interest born some 15 years ago.)

All that cost a pretty penny, to be sure. But I was flush with money from graduation presents a year ago, and the Tintinophile in me was begging to be sated. Funny that the albums arrived in pristine condition while has trouble sending me Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone without mauling it.

(And of course I can't help noticing the differences between the facsimile editions and the current French printings. For example, Hergé originally drew the flag of Francois de Hadoque's ship as a white ensign with six gold fleurs-de-lis. In the current French edition some hack artist recolored the white to blue, and redrew the lilies to make them almost unrecognizable. The original flag was accurate for a ship of the French king's navy, but the new flag is totally wrong for a ship of the line!)
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