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Old 03-08-2004, 08:15 AM   #19
Kersal Massive
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I only have one saved game and I save very infrequently - at least on games where you can't irrovocably mess things up - although buggy modern games are slowly reforming this habit. The habit probably comes from having to save to 'microdrives' which could only store a very small number of files, so I had to save space. The first time this caused me a problem was when we had a power cut after about four hours of playing Fate of Atlantis without saving on an Amiga 600, which you'll know as a painfully slow experience if you've ever done it. :~ Nowadays I'm more likely to get "invalid instruction at address #F00445C" or something bringing me to a halt.

Anyway, I like to revisit 'good' bits of adventure games again, so on subsequent playthroughs I'll remember that there's a memorable bit coming up and save a separate game file. I had an Amiga floppy disk full of save games for like, every single Monkey Island and Fate of Atlantis cutscene ever, but I lost it. :~~~~~~
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