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Old 04-15-2007, 11:03 AM   #55
Dungeon Master
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Originally Posted by Shoal View Post
I never denied I thought it was some form of copyright infringement. Or, at least I don't remember doing so. In fact, I was more or less sure it was infringement straight from the beginning. So why do I continue? Because I'm obeying the spirit of the law, not its letter. The letter of the law no doubt states in clear print that what I'm doing is illegal. It was written this way to protect Funcom's profits and intellectual property control. Funcom, due to the intricacies of legality, would be forced to uphold the cold, hard letter and tell me my project wasn't allowed. Normally, this would be a good idea. It protects the company from malicious and/or spiteful intent meant to damage it.

The spirit of this law, however, is, "don't hurt sales and keep the content intact as originally presented." As a huge fan of the game and thus wanting the best for it, I've judged Dreamfall's "content" in regards to this spirit as its presentation of setting, characters and plot and not so much the tiny amount of gameplay between those elements.
You do realize, of course, that this is only your own interpretation of what constitutes a spirit of the law here? I could argue that it's more about letting the copyright holder have a full control over their property, regardless whether or not they gain any financial profit from it. (For example.)

Originally Posted by Havrepus View Post
Not to mention that most of the people who are interested in a movie like this, if not all of them, have bought both The Longest Journey and Dreamfall already.
Originally Posted by Dasilva View Post
The only people interested in this 90% are the people who have played Dreamfall and liked it.
Nonsense. I know my gaming tastes and, after all I've heard about Dreamfall's gameplay, I'm not keen on buying Dreamfall before it hits budget price area - and wanting to experience the non-interactive part is honestly the only reason I eventually would. If I stumbled across a movie like this, I'm pretty sure the chances of me buying the game would drop to zero.

Which makes me think of a question to Shoal: suppose that now, after clearly admitting that I don't intend to buy the game, I ask you for a link to your video. Would you share it with me, knowing that the "it doesn't hurt Funcom" justification doesn't apply?

Originally Posted by Legolas813 View Post
Is anybody even buying Dreamfall anymore? It's been old news for a long while now. If this video was released soon after the game was released, I could see a problem, but not now.
I am sorry, but one year old doesn't make it old news at all. Plenty of gamers (me included, as I hinted above) wait for price drops before purchasing anything but the most wanted games. And there have been games (not Dreamfall, but some "AAA" titles nevertheless) for which it took longer than one year to even be published here (in Poland) to begin with.

I guess Funcom also believes they can still make more money on it, seeing as they released the demo only recently.
Originally Posted by Roman5 View Post
What a load of rubbish. I'd be amazed if funcom would be overly bothered about a movie that
1. doesn't have any interactivity, so you can't play the damn game anyway,
2. Doesn't have the same high resolution you'd get actually playing the game,
3. and that would take so long to download, only a limited amount of hardcore fans would even download it, as it's easier for people to just go out, buy the game and get the full experience.
1. Because Dreamfall was praised for its interactivity. Even Shoal, who seems quite a fan of the game, admitted the interactive parts weren't all that hot.
2. Adventure gamers are stereotypically "low-tech" gamers, so I believe many of them really won't care about the resolution all that much.
3. You are underappreciating lengths to which people are willing to go just to get something for free. People do download gigabytes of illegal game copies, don't they?
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