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Old 03-26-2007, 04:43 AM   #85
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I just bought a book called "1001 Really Stupid Jokes". It was from a charity shop so it was for a good cause. Here's a sample.

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What's black and white and makes a lot of noise?
A zebra with a drum kit.

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There once was a little puppy called May that always started fights with animals bigger than herself. One day she started a fight with a lion. The next day was the first day of June.

Because that was the end of May.

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Whats black and white and black and white and black and white?
A nun rolling down a hill.

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What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow?
Roost Beef.

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What did Tarzan say when he saw the mosters coming?
Here come the monsters.

What did Tarzan say when he saw the monsters coming wearing sunglasses?
Nothing. He didn't recognise them.

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What is a cows favourite love song?
When I fall in love, it will be for heifer.

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Why do ostriches have such long necks?
Because their heads are so far from their bodies.

* * * * *

Why did Cinderella get thrown out of the netball team?
She kept running away from the ball.
No Nonsense Nonsonnets #43

Cold Topic

A thread most controversial, that’s what I want to start
Full of impassioned arguments, of posting from the heart
And for this stimulation all will be thankful to me
On come on everybody it won’t work if you agree
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